‘It’s bad’: The 9.23pm moment ANZ’s $2.5b deal crumbled
Eight years after ANZ’s infamous equity raising, the 163-page judgment shows how Australian deals get done. And it isn’t pretty.
Hedge funds screaming down the phone, 2.26am emails to the client, threats about defaulting on trades, bankers pulling in all sorts of directions, billions of dollars at risk and a late night “Oh, f---” moment.
Welcome to the high-octane world of investment banking and a rare look inside a vexed $2.5 billion deal.
From left, Shayne Elliott, George Soros and Phil King.
Federal Court justice Mark Moshinsky laid bare some of the capital markets games that go on when a company wants to raise money quickly, in ruling that ANZ breached continuous disclose requirements following its infamous $2.5 billion placement in 2015. ANZ faces up to a $1 million fine.
What is clear is that Australia’s equity raising framework allows companies to get capital quickly, but it is not without risk for the firms, the investment banks that price and underwrite the deals, and the investors involved.
Justice Moshinsky’s judgment is one of the best indications of what really happens behind closed doors in institutional book-builds, the one-day auctions where investment bankers have eight hours or so to rustle up buyers unlocking potentially billions of dollars of capital.
This is how the equity sausages are made. And, of course, it isn’t pretty.
Indeed, ANZ’s came together quickly. What started as a board meeting discussion on a Tuesday turned into a placement two days later, sparking eight years and two months of intrigue and a separate, ultimately doomed, criminal cartel case against the underwriter banks unrelated to the proceedings brought by ASIC.
Soon after the deal launched, it was apparent that ANZ’s big local investors, including Perpetual and UniSuper, were not going to buy more shares, which sent its bankers scrambling to find offshore buyers and offload stock through retail broker channels.
Bankers sent regular book-build updates to their client, ANZ.
The first, at 12.03pm, indicated demand at various prices and was followed by a call. “Slow start, real money yet to show their hand,” was then ANZ treasurer Rick Moscati’s appraisal in an email to then CFO Shayne Elliott.
In the next, at 2.34pm, again followed by a call, it was apparent the deal was going south. ANZ’s head of capital and structured funding wrote a note to the effect of “long only funds not there”, listing a bunch of retail brokers that would bid for stock.
By close of business, bankers were nervous. There were technically enough bids to cover the $2.5 billion raising; however, those bids were heavily inflated. This is all part of the dark arts of capital markets.
ASIC examined the conduct of six hedge funds which collectively bid for $662.8 million of shares but were allocated only $246 million. How could that be, when the underwriters were so desperate to offload stock?

The “Oh, f---” moment came at 9.23pm, three hours after the book-build’s advertised close, when it was clear the underwriters would be left holding a swag of ANZ shares.
The right kind of buyers did not participate in the numbers needed, hedge funds came to play but had their own tactics to deploy, and underwriters knew it would not be in ANZ’s interest to overload the hedge funds. So, the investment banks took $790 million of stock – nearly one in three shares available.
What happened next was picked over in great detail as part of a four-year criminal cartel case brought by the ACCC before it was abandoned last year. Citi took 40 per cent; Deutsche Bank and JPMorgan 30 per cent each.
The cartel case, though dropped, had a huge toll on the people involved, including six senior executives from Citi, Deutsche Bank and ANZ. They have nearly all retired or moved on, including Citi’s then head of Australia Stephen Roberts and Deutsche’s head of institutional banking Michael Ormaechea. JPMorgan’s former CEO Robert Priestley is now the firm’s local chairman.

Justice Moshinsky had a different argument to consider: whether ANZ breached its disclosure obligations by keeping that $790 million shortfall secret.
Yes, he decided on Friday, saying ANZ knew real demand for shares was substantially less than the $2.5 billion required, and that it was material to its share price.
Here are five uncomfortable truths, selected from his 163-page judgment.
1. The importance of hedge funds
Investment bankers love talking about attracting quality long-term investors, but the ANZ case makes it clear that it is fast-moving hedge fund money that swarms into book-builds.
Hedge funds, as explained by one of the trial experts, trade for profit. They don’t buy and hold. This short-term focus means they look for liquidity events – raisings, block trades, anything where they can get their hands on a chunky parcel of discounted stock and make a quick buck.
This prolific trading makes them essential to investment banks, which are only paid when deals get done.
In ANZ’s case, the cast included Phil King’s Regal Funds Management, and big offshore funds including Hong Kong’s Segantii Capital, Senrigan Capital and Trafalgar Capital, US-based Soros Fund Management, Myriad Asset Management and DE Shaw & Co, and Europe’s Brevan Howard.
The hedge funds turned up early with huge orders. Segantii and Regal, for example, made $250 million bids, while Soros, DE Shaw and Myriad initially wanted at least $100 million.
But hedge funds’ eyes are bigger than their stomachs. They may bid for $250 million of shares, but they typically want to be allocated far less. If the deal is hot and a hedge fund is allocated half its $250 million bid, it walks away happy with a $125 million allocation. If the deal is struggling, it can wind back its allocation request even further.
The six hedge funds in ANZ’s orbit made it abundantly clear to the trading desks that they wanted to be wound back.
Segantii bid for $250 million but made it known to the underwriters it wanted only $51 million. It ended up with $75 million. Soros bid for $US100 million and got $US50 million. Indus Capital bid for $40.8 million and got $5 million. Brevan Howard bid for $34 million and got $10 million.
Justice Moshinsky accepted that the underwriters felt they had no choice but to allocate the hedge funds their smaller amounts, and take more ANZ stock themselves. They didn’t want hedge funds to dump the new shares in the secondary market.

2. One team, different dreams
Everyone sitting inside an investment bank is generally working for the same balance sheet, which enables the underwriting and lending that makes deals happen.
Each investment bank hired by ANZ was on the hook for 30 to 40 per cent of the trade, motivated to get its employer off the hook as quickly as possible. But that’s not necessarily the case.
The judgment reveals the tension between different interests inside an investment bank.

The head of markets is worried about the balance sheet while syndicate operatives, whose job it is to find investors to buy the new shares, are fretting over the hedge fund clients. And the senior investment bankers – heads of ECM, for example – are seemingly the only ones focused on the corporate client (ANZ).
That fight-for-your-corner mentality is what makes it work. It also makes for robust discussion internally, and trading favours or seeking forgiveness.
3. Big decisions and long days
There is no such luxury for bankers when it comes to clear-eyed decision-making. They probably worked through the night to get ANZ’s raising ready for early Thursday morning.
As well as plenty of discussion about price and terms, ANZ’s raising was accompanied by a trading update, talk about the bank’s capital ratio and was occurring at a time of regulatory change. It was not straightforward.
But come Thursday, the bankers were in for another long day, trying to sell the shares. At the closing bell in Sydney, the underwriters were still trying to get bids from offshore investors, some of which had just woken up to the news.
It was not until a call between all the banks at 9.23pm that the size of the shortfall was apparent.
But it was not bedtime yet. The allocation spreadsheet emails started, and Citi sent the final version (dubbed “vF”, in what looks like a version control code) to ANZ at 2.26am the next morning.
The bankers sent a suggested book message to ANZ at first light on Friday, leaving little time for sleep. ANZ shares began trading, and the underwriters would spend the following few days managing the shortfall.
4. Tracking errors
Junior bankers have to be good at two things: Excel spreadsheets and skirting mistakes. Trying to track a deal like ANZ’s – three trading desks, a big book, hedge fund games – must be a nightmare.
A system documented the bids, and the underwriters used that to keep ANZ informed about how the deal was covered.
At 12.03pm, it was 46 per cent covered at the $30.95 floor price. At 2.34pm, it was 81 per cent covered. Prior to the 6pm close, it was 92 per cent covered, according to communications between the underwriters and ANZ.
By 2.26am, when the final spreadsheet went to ANZ, it was ostensibly 103 per cent covered.
But that 103 per cent number was based on the flaky hedge fund orders, artificially inflated. In fact, the spreadsheet said $1.71 billion of shares were allocated, and $791 million “left to allocate” or headed to the underwriters, which was the real position.
To get there, the judgment relies on numerous allocation calls and draft allocation tables colour-coded for things like changes made and still-to-be-determined lots.
All the while, the juniors tracking it were bombarded with emails and calls from their superiors, who were managing the hedge funds and other shareholders, some of them yelling down the phone.
So, the work didn’t finish when the book build closed at 6pm. It was a moving feast.
5. Cover-ups only raise doubt
Having been caught with nearly $800 million of stock, the underwriters made it clear they wanted one thing: no disclosure. Once the shortfall was understood and the banks started thinking about their own risk positions and sell-down strategies, thoughts turned immediately to disclosure.
If it was public that the banks were holding stock, it would open them up to all sorts of problems. The hedge funds they were leaning on to take more stock would be back for a second bite.
If an investment bank sells stock it owns, it is supposed to disclose that to the buyer. So, the bankers were talking to their respective compliance teams, working out if there was a need to disclose the shortfall.
On the phone hookups, it was decided it should be one in, all in: no one discloses and if one bank was to break ranks, then it needed to tell the others. Senior bankers on Saturday morning, at the end of a punishing week, kept coming back to that point.
But rumours swelled in the market that ANZ’s underwriters were left holding stock and Sydney-based fund manager Clime posted an article on its website on August 15 – nearly one week after the raising – which included the line: “The investment banks clearly didn’t get the full raising away, and they have been left holding the can to some extent”.
Eight years later, it is the cover-up that got ANZ in trouble, not its strategic mistake of failing to attract sufficient investor interest. The stock has seldom traded above the $30.95 issue price since.
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