Electoral Commission tops federal trust survey
The Electoral Commission has topped the second annual Commonwealth government trust survey, with 87 per cent of respondents indicating various levels of trust in the AEC’s running of the federal election system.
Amid challenges globally to the authority of voting systems, led by former US president Donald Trump and former Brazilian leader Jair Bolsonaro, the 2022-23 survey showed a strong link between trust and satisfaction, with the AEC also topping the satisfaction ratings. Ninety-one per cent of respondents expressed satisfaction with AEC services.
The scores are part of an ongoing monthly 1000-person survey of trust and satisfaction with the federal government, undertaken by the Australian Public Service Commission as part of its reform program.
The annualised scores are in the State of the Service report tabled in parliament on Wednesday. For the first time, agency employee census results were aggregated, enabling people to see the best and worst performing agencies easily and to set benchmarks for agency action plans to remedy underperformance.
The beleaguered Home Affairs Department scored lowest among the extra-large agencies for the key employee engagement score with 69. This compared with an APS average of 71 in an index of 100.
It also scored worst among big agencies for bullying, with 13 per cent of staff saying they had a perception of harassment and bullying in their workforce. The APS average was 10.4 per cent, up from 9.7 per cent and the first increase after eight years of improvement from a high of 17.2 per cent.
Home Affairs staff also scored the performance of their direct executive reports equal lowest among extra-large agency peers, with a ranking of 65 on the leadership senior executive manager index. This was a similar score to Services Australia.
Against widespread reporting of the robo-debt scandal, the trust survey confirmed ongoing dissatisfaction and lower levels of trust for the bigger delivery agencies.
Under Tom Rogers, the Electoral Commission has had a high-profile social media presence.
Centrelink scored worst with a 63 per cent trust rating, the Child Support Agency was trusted by 66 per cent of respondents and the National Disability Insurance Scheme was trusted by 69 per cent. All these agencies sit in Bill Shorten’s government services portfolio.
The Australian Tax Office continued to buck this trend, again rated among the highest-performing agencies for both trust (79 per cent) and satisfaction (81 per cent).
Foreign Affairs and Trade scored highest of the federal departments, with an 82 per cent trust rating, followed by Education with 79 per cent expressing support.
The Department of Employment and Workplace Relations had the lowest satisfaction rating of all agencies surveyed, with only 56 per cent expressing satisfaction. This fed into a low trust score, with only two-thirds of respondents positive about the department.
Trust in eye of the beholder
“Trust and satisfaction are highly related and affect each other,” the report said.
“Trust involves expectations on how well a service will perform given user needs. Satisfaction is a product of how well the service lived up to those expectations and drives future expectations.”
The report said trust was strongly associated with an individual’s circumstances, noting that people experiencing financial hardship were less likely to trust and less likely to believe that services would meet their needs.
Assistant Public Service Minister Patrick Gorman said the report highlighted how the APS was transforming itself into an employer of choice.
“Notably, 92 per cent of APS employee census respondents understand how their role contributes to achieving an outcome for the Australian public.
“Eighty-four per cent of census respondents agreed they believe strongly in the purpose and objectives of the APS, while 76 per cent agreed they gained a sense of accomplishment in their job.”
Mr Gorman also noted the gender pay gap in the APS had shrunk to below 6 per cent and, as of June 30, 24 per cent of APS employees were born outside Australia.
Greater representation of employees with diverse backgrounds was still needed at senior levels, he said.
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