Grit and gut instinct take women to top of fashion world
Talent and trust in their instincts have helped women succeed in the tough world of fashion, as five leaders recount their struggle to the top.
To coincide with International Women’s Day, March 8, the Australian Financial Review celebrates the achievements of Australian women in key sectors of the economy, nominating five women as the Women to Watch from each of five sectors – fashion and retail; education; sustainability and energy; technology; and banking.
The Women to Watch in fashion are:
A team is only as good as its boss, says Shamini Rajarethnam, CEO of Rationale. Arsineh Houspian
Shamini Rajarethnam
Chief executive of Rationale
Shamini Rajarethnam knows the power of trusting her instincts. Like the time she quit a job on her very first day.
“One of my first jobs was as an assistant on a fashion magazine,” she says. “And I hated it. I love fashion, but it didn’t move me, I wasn’t driven. I went to them and said, ‘I think I’ll be better use to you as a marketer or writer’.”
The magazine team created a new role, creating native content, and Rajarethnam stayed. It was an early lesson in self-awareness and actualisation.
Rajarethnam is now the CEO of Rationale, the Australian luxury skincare brand part-owned by Korean beauty giant Amorepacific. She is the company’s first CEO – though she never meant to get the job at all.
Starting in marketing at Rationale 11 years ago, Rajarethnam’s trajectory has been both unusual and stratsospheric.
From marketing she moved into brand management and then strategy, re-evaluating the company’s retail partners and launching e-commerce.
This piecemeal approach kept her satisfied, but Rajarethnam soon knew she had hit her limits. “I said [to founder Richard Parker] ‘you need someone much better at retail to do this’. And so then we hired specialists. We needed rigour and strategy.”
The company also needed Rajarethnam, who soon became general manager and was tasked with finding a CEO to take it to the next level.
“It was taking a long time, and they just could not decide,” she says of the pursuit of a leader. “The 2016 US election was happening, and I thought, ‘the world is falling apart, we need leadership’, I told Richard, and he said, ‘well, we want you to do it. You know every part of the business’.”
Her first response was to decline. “I did myself a real disservice by saying, ‘no, I can’t do that’. To Richard’s credit he said, ‘no, we are announcing it in five days. Get used to it’.”
Rajarethnam, who grew up in Singapore and moved to Melbourne for university, had never seen herself in a corporate role. “I’ve always wanted to help run a business but I never saw myself being the leader. I don’t see myself as very corporate.”
This outsider status gave Rajarethnam a leg up. She was determined to know every part of the business (she still packs orders on occasion) and in doing so, found opportunities to streamline and implement efficiencies.
“I’ve always been scrappy,” she says. Working at Bettina Liano as a student, she launched a digital marketing campaign and e-commerce at a time when such things were close to unheard of. “It was 2007 and the company didn’t really believe in it. I said, ‘give me $10,000 and some product, and I’ll start an online store’.”
Leading 180 employees, including a small team at the brand’s recent outpost in Los Angeles, as well as managing up with founder Parker, is not always simple. Rajarethnam sees herself as a conduit between the staff and Parker, and is careful to leave Parker, a scientist, out of conversations that might stifle his creativity.
“I don’t like to put figures in front of him because I don’t want him to be distracted.” Her greatest asset, she says, is to be the go-between for the science and commerce of the company.
In the early days of the pandemic, the senior leadership team — including Rajarethnam and Parker — took a 20 per cent pay cut to support the business for three months.
“I thought those conversations would be hard but everyone understood,” she says. “And that really validated that we had the right people in the right positions.”
As a leader, Rajarethnam believes that “a fish rots from the head down”. In other words, a team is only as good as its boss. “The worst part of my job is seeing my team not having clarity,” she says. “And that comes from me not being clear. So, that is something I am always aware of and always trying to improve. As a leader, I need to give the team what they need to succeed. If I’m the roadblock, everyone is in trouble.”
Lee Mathews
Designer and founder of Lee Mathews
Find the thing you love and do well, says Lee Mathews, designer and founder of Lee Mathews.
Lee Mathews’ first job was as a lifeguard at her local pool.
“It felt completely natural to pull struggling kids out of the pool and even do resuscitation,” she says.
“It was so much responsibility for one so young, but I was very serious about it and kind of loved the responsibility.”
Sink or swim? It’s a good business lesson.
Mathews founded her eponymous fashion label in 2000, creating instantly recognisable silhouettes for the Australian woman in mainly natural fibres like cotton, linen and silk.
Mathews has often described herself as being allergic to fashion, saying she pays no attention to trends and simply designs what she herself would like to wear. Happily, this happens to be the clothing that the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow, Rita Ora and Rose Byrne want to wear.
The former art director came to design through printmaking. “I was printing fabric, making textiles for furnishings when I discovered that I was quite good at sewing, and that actually I loved it,” she says. “It took a while to really find my way, but eventually clothing became my thing.”
With humble beginnings, Mathews “started making things I couldn’t find anywhere [else]” and then sold them to friends. “I would have a little sale in my house inviting friends, and friends of friends and then finally, when everything was gone, I would start again,” she says. “It was fun, a little like a Tupperware party for clothes, but nicer.”
Mathews now has five boutiques and a Melbourne concept store, and counts MyTheresa and Paltrow’s Goop as key wholesale partners.
Based at Sydney’s northern beaches, her brand’s style remains as unaffectedly and resolutely breezy as it was when it was founded.
The road to success has been “a long, slow one” she says, without defined “big breaks.” Her business has been largely populated by women, she says, which was not a conscious choice but one that evolved organically. Of her leadership style — Mathews has 50 employees — she says she prizes honesty above all else.
“I just like an even playing field,” she says. “Everyone has something to add, to say, and it’s all meaningful to some extent. I like collaboration more than any other type of management, but I also like to feel understood and part of a team, like anyone does.”
For young designers emerging in the industry, Mathews is resolute with her advice: find your lane.
“It’s a big world and you can’t do everything. Find the thing you love and do well. At a certain point, you will get your rhythm and it will start to feel natural. That is a very nice feeling.”
Rebecca Jefferd
Co-founder of Ultra Violette Skincare
Leading a start-up is a bit like raising a child – it’s different when they are babies, toddlers, kids, teenagers, says Rebecca Jefferd, co-founder of Ultra Violette Skincare.
A career in skincare was never on the cards for Rebecca Jefferd, who grew up in rural NSW. With degrees in commerce and marketing under her belt, Jefferd took a graduate role at BP, wanting only to work somewhere that might lead her, well, somewhere else.
“BP was global, and I wanted to work for a company with an international outlook,” she says.
A pitstop at Castrol in the United Kingdom proved pivotal: there, Jefferd worked in product development and discovered a passion for creating from scratch.
“It was all very new to me, but I found I loved it,” she says.
Working with team members whose bona fides included Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble and more, the young Jefferd learned “so much about what consumers wanted”.
Developing motor oil products, too, was a crucial step.
“It’s a very technical product that needs to be absolutely exact,” she says. “I didn’t know it then, but it gave me a sense of what was possible, and also the challenges and limitations of creating something like that.”
Jefferd met her Ultra Violette co-founder Ava Matthews while the pair were working at Mecca Brands.
Matthews reported to Jefferd in the product development team, which worked to create products for the beauty empire’s inhouse line.
Jefferd had returned to Australia after a stint in the US, working first for BP (again) and then L’Oreal, where she gained experience in research and development.
At Mecca, the team was smaller and more dynamic than what Jefferd had experienced at L’Oreal. “You were closer to the decision-maker, and to the customer,” she says. “And that was exciting.”
It was soon clear that Jefferd and Matthews were more than co-workers – they were on track to be co-founders.
Seeking to disrupt the sun care space, the pair left Mecca to embark on a two-year-long journey to make a sunscreen that felt good on the skin, without leaving a white cast or residual heaviness. In other words, to make sunscreen sexy. The brand launched in 2019 and by 2020 was stocked in Sephora, Net-A-Porter and Space NK.
“I’d worked in product development for long enough to know that the best products are quirky, left of centre, a bit different,” Jefferd says. “And I knew that Ava has that X-factor. She is a good product. She has a very strong view of what she thinks is right, and it’s not an amalgamation of what other people think. It’s unique.”
Jefferd brings her own alchemy to the equation — “structure and discipline” – and says the duo works because of their “utmost respect for our differences”.
In start-up land, management styles must evolve and adapt. Ultra Violette is just four years old, about to embark on its first external funding round and, despite its success, is competing with brands that have been established for decades, if not more than a century.
“Leading a start-up is a bit like raising a child – it’s different when they are babies, toddlers, kids, teenagers,” she says. “There have been times when I haven’t evolved fast enough, and times when I have raced too far ahead. In the start-up space you have to manage your own leadership and adapt very quickly. Sometimes you’re the fun one, and sometimes you’re strict. You have to be agile. You can’t set a leadership style and forget about it.”
Change is inevitable, and welcome. “When we first started, we had these rules that we had to do away with pretty quickly,” she says. “And that was such a good thing in the end. Have a roadmap, sure, but also allow for change. We once said we would never wholesale. Now we’re in 18 countries. I’m glad we changed our minds about that.”
Emily Nolan
Bespoke tailor and co-founder of E Nolan
Having a small business is incredibly isolating, says Emily Nolan, bespoke tailor and co-founder of E Nolan.
Emily Nolan runs her business “like a marriage”. Like marriage itself, she wouldn’t recommend it to everyone, but for the Melbourne-based tailor, who exclusively creates suits for women and the LGBTQ community, it’s where she thrives.
“I started out in a male-dominated business, where men were the staff and the customers,” she says. “And I felt that there was nobody really doing that for women. Where was the space where women could come, and have a suit made by a woman?”
Nolan couldn’t find one, so she created it, with her best friend and silent business partner, the other half of her “business marriage”.
“You have to figure out your own language,” says Nolan, of navigating a business launch with a friend. “I know now that it’s not just healthy for me to tell the truth and be direct, it is financially important to the business. I’m creative, so sometimes it can be hard for me to be confident about business decisions, but I’ve learned to trust my own perspective.”
In a small business – Nolan has just five staff members, and not all work full-time – “the fires are constant, and you just have to put them out”.
“This is the hardest thing I have ever done,” says Nolan, a finalist for last year’s National Designer Award. “Having a small business is incredibly isolating.” But the upsides are worth the trouble, she says. “My dad always said to me, ‘your value-add is not sitting at a desk, replying to emails’. That was never going to be my path. And that helped me focus on the things I was good at, and ask for help with things that didn’t come naturally to me.”
Despite having no wholesale presence, Nolan is attracting fans. When Cate Blanchett stepped out at the Sydney premiere of Tar, she wore an E Nolan suit.
“That stuff is lovely,” she says, “but you can’t let it distract you. There is always something else to do.”
Leading a small team can be difficult, she says, but it also allows for a more flexible approach to office culture. “We cry at work, we show our vulnerabilities,” she says. “We don’t get angry with each other, but people feel safe to show their emotions. And then we move on, we do our work.”
Her best advice for starting a small business is somewhat unusual – but like her business marriage, Nolan swears by it.
“Surround yourself with people who act like very supportive grandparents,” she says, laughing. “People who don’t just want, want, want something from you. People who see the best in you, but who can also take you down a notch, or give it to you straight if you need it.” That, and learn to be comfortable, “sitting in complete uncertainty”. “You cannot control everything. You cannot try to do everything. That is uncomfortable for everybody, and it just never works. Figure out your value-add, then get a grandma. Or a wife.”
Bridget Veals
General manager of womenswear, footwear and accessories at David Jones
“I give clear direction and expectations are high, but people are given autonomy to achieve,” says Bridget Veals, of David Jones.
As the leader of 55 staff, Bridget Veals is evangelical about the value of delegation.
“I give my team a lot of autonomy, accountability and trust,” says Veals. If you’ve ever walked through David Jones and thought, “I like that dress”, it’s because someone from Veals’ team placed a bet on that very sentiment.
Working with designers from around the globe, Veals and her team curate a selection of clothing, accessories and footwear for the Australian woman.
Sales targets, international travel and a range of external economic pressures entirely outside her control make Veals’ job challenging: she loves it.
“We have a lot of fun,” she says. “It’s imperative we work together and part of that is having a healthy sense of competition, but never rivalry. Everyone is clear about what needs to be achieved. I give clear direction and expectations are high but people are given autonomy to achieve.”
If teams meet their profit targets by Friday, they are given afternoons off. “The proviso is that the whole team has to meet it,” she says. “So that gets everyone working together.”
Veals has also given the term “lunch hour” a Millennial tweak, rebranding it “wellness time”.
“I want people to know they are entitled to take time away. Have your lunch, go for a walk, clear your head. Think about it as wellness, which is necessary.”
All of these management strategies can be traced back to Veals’ first roles in her native London.
She worked for legendary buyer Belinda Earl, the first woman to become CEO of a UK high street chain, Debenhams, in 2000.
“She was amazing,” says Veals. “She became CEO at 39, which was and still is very young, and opened my eyes to what could be possible.”
Veals credits Earl with her own leadership style. “She had solid work-life values, and I never lost sight of that.”
The nature of buying itself has been key to Veals’ career. “Because you are bringing in value to the business, you are very aware of what you are worth,” says Veals.
“And that has been really instructive. It’s not necessarily about hours at the desk, it’s about relationships and connections, and using your eye to spot talent. And once you know that that is the value you-add, uniquely, you value yourself a lot more.”
When you are making money for the company, clearly visible in the P&L line, “you can ask for things you want, like flexibility. And I make that clear to my staff”.
As a junior buyer in the UK, Veals worked with her share of bad bosses. “You can learn as much from poor leaders as from the most inspirational ones,” says Veals.
In the early days, retail was male-dominated. “It was the days of [Topshop founder] Philip Green, The Burton Group. It was all about male ego.”
Still, Veals never felt as if she was held back due to her gender.
“To be honest it wasn’t something I thought about. I just kept going. That’s probably not the best advice but it did work out for me.”
Frequent travel has made Veals “a world champion compartmentaliser”.
“I’m very good at separating family from work,” she says. “You can’t come back from a trip needing a few days to settle in; your kids need you right away. So, even if you’re shattered, you need to jump back in and be with them. It can be exhausting, but I’ve found it makes all the difference.”
In a career driven by connections, Veals is adamant that “most of the success you have is really down to exactly who you are”.
“Most work is about relationships, and especially in buying. It comes down to how good you are at negotiating, the give-and-take, and really that is true of most jobs. So, whatever you’re dealing with, figure out what solving the problem means to you and how much you’re willing to give or take to get it sorted.”
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- Grit and gut instinct take women to top of fashion world Talent and trust in their instincts have helped women succeed in the tough world of fashion, as five leaders recount their struggle to the top.
- How we built our beauty start-ups from scratch Priscilla Hajiantoni and Sarah Hamilton talk about the lessons they’ve learnt shepherding their own companies.
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