How these five women built high-flying careers in energy
Sustainability roles are increasing, bringing a wide range of opportunities for women, but many energy companies still find it hard to fill positions.
To coincide with International Women’s Day, March 8, the Australian Financial Review celebrates the achievements of Australian women in key sectors of the economy, nominating five women as the Women to Watch from each of five sectors – fashion and retail; education; sustainability and energy; technology; and banking.
The Women to Watch in sustainability and energy are:
Nicole Kuepper-Russell has worked to ensure gender-neutral pay for staff at 5B.
Dr Nicole Kuepper-Russell
Deputy chief executive officer, 5B
Men still occupy most of the senior roles in corporate Australia.
When they choose to use their powerful positions in the workplace to personally shift entrenched systems of gender inequality, the results are immediate and life-changing for women.
As a consultant for Bain & Co, Nicole Kuepper-Russell’s boss at the time supported her push for job-sharing when women came back from parental leave.
At the time it was culturally expected to be staffed on a project four days a week, but she and a number of colleagues wanted the flexibility to initially work two to four days after having children.
She presented the job-sharing idea to her boss, Mohit Wadan, who used his power to convince the partnership – the bulk of whom were then men – that this structural shift was important for retaining women.
“He really got it and said ‘If we don’t change we will lose all these incredible women — I’m going to make your case’,” she said.
“That was incredibly powerful.”
Kuepper-Russell is now deputy chief executive of 5B – the modular solar panel pioneer backed by Malcolm Turnbull and Simon Holmes a Court – which was named as a preferred supplier to the $35 billion Sun Cable project.
“One of the first things I did when I joined 5B was to ensure that we have gender-neutral pay, and that we really encourage and incentivise men to take parental leave. So far, we’ve had 100 per cent take-up for parental leave from men,” she said.
“If you design flexible working only for women that doesn’t help. We need everyone to embrace flexible working in all guises for men and women. We have a number of men as well as women working at 5B flexibly.”
Kuepper-Russell studied engineering and earned a PhD in commercialising photovoltaics – solar – from the University of NSW. She was one of just two other women at her all-girls high school to take up engineering.
“The majority of people were saying ‘you should study medicine or law, why would you waste that university entrance score on engineering?’,” she said.
She puts the decision down to her German parents encouraging her love of science and maths, and an excellent conversation with pioneering solar Professor Stuart Wenham at the UNSW open day.
Christmas trips to see family in Germany also helped because it was the first time she saw solar panels commonly installed on rooftops. She couldn’t figure out why Australia – with far more sun than Germany – didn’t have them bolted on too.
But when she graduated, the Australian solar industry was still in its infancy and the job market was thin on the ground.
Kuepper-Russell had offers to work in the solar industry in China and the US but ultimately, she opted for Bain & Co in the United Kingdom because her partner had secured a posting at Austrade in London.
They agreed early in their relationship that every three years – the common cycle for government postings – they would take it in turns to focus on their careers.
“We agreed very early on that we would take alternative turns for one of our careers to take precedence every three years. That doesn’t mean that the other person doesn’t work or do something meaningful, but it means that you’re optimising for one person in the relationship during that period.”
When they had kids, that meant one would take more of a role in childcare, while the other focused on work, and vice versa.
Karen Nielsen
MD global renewables, ATCO
The global head of renewables at ATCO – the $C4.6 billon ($5 billion) Canadian engineering, logistics and energy conglomerate – annoys recruiters when she asks them to head-hunt for a position.
The brief is simple, Karen Nielsen says: half of the qualified candidates must be women.
“Recruiters often push back, they say ‘it’s not possible to find women for X position’. But I say to them ‘they need to look far and wide’, look for people who they wouldn’t normally see.
“They need to look under rocks and change their framing of what they perceive the full skill set to be,” she said.
Nielsen is the global head of renewable energy for ATCO, based in Australia to position the Calgary-based energy infrastructure player to take advantage of the renewables gold rush in NSW.
Karen Nielsen, ATCO managing director of global renewables.
ATCO has bought the development rights to a 325-megawatt, eight-hour pumped hydro project that it expects will become part of a wider portfolio of supply projects in the National Electricity Market.
Nielsen is putting together a team to run the Australian project with the 50/50 recruitment push.
ATCO has targeted a minimum of 30 per cent female representation at the board and senior leadership levels, driven by the Canadian system of quotas where they have to “comply or explain”.
“We need to get on with quotas, targets — let’s get on with things.
“There is so much work to do in the energy field that we just can’t keep struggling to have a proper representation of women in this field for much longer.”
But she cautioned that quotas must be properly embedded in the business from the bottom up. Otherwise, companies run the risk of plundering the executive class for women to sit on board positions, leaving the executive ranks bare.
“If you don’t have women in those positions then of course men are going to fill them.”
Nielsen built her career in the Canadian energy and petroleum sector, working in technical and executive roles.
But she made the switch to renewables after her three kids became aware of climate change and questioned her choice to work in oil and gas.
“I wanted to do something where they would be proud of me,” she said.
And she added the interesting thing is that there are more women applying for clean energy jobs.
“Funny enough, the hiring stats show that we are attracting way more women into roles within the energy transition than other typical industries. With our proposition of sustainability, clean energy, energy security … we are inspiring so many more incredible females at the university level to enroll and hire into clean energy.”
But there is still a long way to go.
Monique Miller
Joint chief investment officer, renewables and sustainable finance, Clean Energy Finance Corporation
During high school, a career in finance wasn’t on the radar for this green banker, who has now helped build a portfolio of more than $3 billion renewable investments.
It’s still very rare for women to hold what are known as “profit and loss” roles, says Monique Miller.
Instead, Monique Miller, was encouraged to double down on the typically female subjects of English and history.
“Being discouraged from STEM subjects really starts at an early age,” said Miller.
That meant Miller shunned engineering and economics at university, a typical path for those wanting to crack into both the energy and investment sectors.
“It never even entered into my mind to do engineering, never, but there were plenty of lawyers who were women.”
Miller went onto a career at law firm Baker & McKenzie where she advised companies on international energy deals.
It was only when Miller met a swathe of young European female bankers on these deals that she thought it was possible to switch over to the investment side of the deal-making.
“Seeing young European women bankers from Dutch and French banks in those roles – and of course Christine Lagarde, who was the first female chair of Baker & McKenzie – made me wonder if I might have career opportunities in finance and banking,” Miller said.
Reflecting on her high school years, Miller said the old saying rang true that “you can’t be what you can’t see”, but she says it’s getting better, pointing to Shemara Wikramanayake, Macquarie Group’s chief executive and industry veterans such as Jillian Broadbent.
She made the leap to Macquarie Group before becoming a founding member of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation in 2013, headed by Broadbent.
Miller is a joint chief investment officer, leading the CEFC investment team responsible for the origination and execution of investments in renewables and sustainable finance, overseeing transactions in the areas of large-scale solar, wind and battery storage.
It’s still very rare for women to hold what are known as “profit and loss” roles, where executives are responsible for making money rather than in the “cost centres” like human resources and legal advice.
Referring to the Chief Executive Women survey, Miller highlighted that women hold just over one out of 10 management roles with profit and loss responsibilities.
Shifting entrenched systems of inequality in the workplace that prevent women from reaching these heights is difficult and requires a whole of government and private sector response, she observes.
And she urges us to also remember that on an individual level, addressing gender disparity isn’t only the job of women.
“I’ve seen a couple of great examples of male colleagues calling out mansplaining in meetings, or helping women to make sure that their points of view can be heard, and making sure that they have the opportunity to speak up in meetings.”
She called on these men to “continue to do what they do and be brave and call it out” and to seek out flexible work and work-life balance.
“It’s noticed in the office when men take a day off a week to look at children – if you’re seen to juggle work with life.”
For women, she urges “trust your instincts, work hard and don’t be afraid to ask for what you’re worth” but noted women are in the unenviable position where that kind of ambition is often viewed negatively.
“Julia Gillard has done some interesting research which shows that one of the biggest challenges women leaders face is that society expects you to steer a path between being strong enough to lead, but not coming across as so tough that you’re thought to be unlikable,” she said.
“And I think that that’s not only for leaders. That’s a narrow tightrope that women walk for their whole careers. So at some point, someone will tell you that you’re too much, or you’re not enough.
“Ride through it.”
Melanie Sutton
Director, energy markets and policy, ACCIONA Energia
For many Australian women in the energy sector it’s not unusual to be the only woman in a meeting, especially if you’re a line manager or in the executive team.
Energy transition has brought new roles into the sector, says Melanie Sutton, of Acciona. Elke Meitzel
But for Melanie Sutton, an executive at a Spanish multinational in Australia, she’s noticed a shift over the past decade.
“I was often the only woman in a meeting, but that’s fundamentally changing. And it will continue to change as clean energy becomes a more and more prominent industry,” said Sutton, the director of energy markets and policy at Acciona.
The €9.72 billion ($15.3 billion) listed Spanish company, which develops and manages infrastructure and renewable energy, has a board with 40 per cent women.
“I found Acciona is very aware of gender equality. It’s part of the company’s sustainability focus – that extends beyond environmental sustainability to people, and the sustainability of the workforce,” she said.
“And whilst we can all continue to improve, we’ve got 40 per cent representation on the board, and in Australia, we’re heading towards 40 per cent in our local management team, of which I am a part.
“There is a real push – to get to the extent you can – to identify and support and promote females through lower to middle management.”
Sutton’s career has spanned Australia and the UK, where she’s seen all aspects of energy and environmental markets from product trading and strategy side of sector plus, business development, finance and corporate advisory.
Sutton says it’s much better for women to crack into the energy sector now because the diversity of roles in legal or project development means staff don’t necessarily need to be handy at a power plant or oil rig.
“The energy transition means there is such a diversity of different types of roles. You don’t have to be an engineer or a technician to establish yourself in this sector, which you did many years ago, when I was starting my career in the energy sector.”
Innovative women-friendly policies have helped find staff for Brigette McDowell, CEO of Cheeditha Energy.
Brigette McDowell
CEO, Cheeditha Energy
Finding employees in the small town of Karratha, 1250 kilometres north of Perth, is hard at the best of times, let alone when the employment market is tight.
Brigette McDowell had to think innovatively to fill mounting vacancies at her business, Cheeditha Energy, which she co-founded with elders from the Yindjibarndi community.
Cheeditha installs solar for residential, commercial and resource-sector businesses. Its partnership with the Cheeditha Community powers the neighbourhood but also generates long-lasting revenue streams for the community.
“I did something a bit radical, I just posted on my Facebook and said, ‘I’m looking for someone to join my team. It’s completely flexible, and I want you to be able to maintain your family life the way you want and to have a job’.”
But when she put out that job advertisement she didn’t expect to have 27 applications.
All of a sudden, applications from women who had young children started flooding in, they had all the skills but didn’t want to work in a rigid job with set hours.
“That’s because childcare is a huge issue up here. For any childcare there is about 400 to 900 kids waiting to get in,” she said.
“What I realised was a lot of women could only get one or two days in childcare. But they wanted to get back into work, and they were really nervous about going somewhere and then having to take a day off because a child was sick or having to work from home.”
Now McDowell has six working mums on her team. But that dearth of female presence in the energy sector is widely felt.
“When I enter a boardroom as CEO, I am continually met by a sea of men asking, ‘When will your manager arrive?’ It’s challenging for young women to embody what they have never experienced. That challenge is amplified for young First Nations women.”
McDowell said the way she handles it is to educate herself.
“I don’t know if this is unique to the energy industry, but if you know more than most people, you can sort of command the room. What I’ve done is to educate myself as much as I can. I think that has reduced the mansplaining and allowed me to be heard.
“And I’ve got to say, it’s very different now compared to five years ago for me, and that comes with knowledge and with knowledge comes confidence.”
Read about more women to watch
- How taking risks helped these female tech leaders reach the top Technology has been a key enabler for women in their quest to transform the world around them as well as their own lives.
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- Universities marching towards gender parity by degrees Many structural barriers are coming down but there is still a long way to go before women achieve a fairer outcome in academia.
- Understanding people is the key to transformation in universities Academic leaders say universities are changing, with a more pronounced emphasis on gender equality.
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