I need a break after my redundancy. What should I do?
Ask an expert is our weekly column dedicated to helping readers overcome problems at work and get ahead in their careers. This week, Dr Edwin Trevor-Roberts, chief executive of career advice firm Trevor-Roberts, helps a reader plan their next steps after redundancy.
The problem: I’ve just been made redundant from a role I held for the past five years. I would like to take a break for a few months to figure out my next move, rather than rushing into more of the same. But I’m not sure how to best use my time, and I don’t know how I would explain a career break to a future employer. Any suggestions?
Edwin Trevor-Roberts says a career break can be a great opportunity. Michaela Pollock
The advice: Trevor-Roberts says employers are more accepting of career breaks than they once were.
“It’s no longer just about moving up a particular ladder – it’s about jumping around and doing different things, one of which is actually having a break or doing some study,” he tells Work & Careers.
A 2022 LinkedIn survey found that nearly two-thirds (62 per cent) of people have taken a career break. So, don’t stress about the gap in your CV. Just add a few lines explaining what you did during your break and what you got out of it.
As for how to use your time effectively, Trevor-Roberts has three suggestions.
“Number one is to identify the broad possibilities that you might in the future want to move towards,” he says.
He recommends picking your three best options and conducting extensive research on each one. This could involve some desktop research. But Trevor-Roberts says it’s also essential to meet people who are doing the roles you’re interested in, or who have information about these roles and industries.
As previously discussed in this column, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel when reaching out to these people. Your opening message could be something like: “Hi [person’s name], you’ve been referred to me by John. I am interested in understanding more about the environmental industry. Would you have 30 minutes to share some of your insights? I can also give you some ideas and perspectives from my work in the civil service.”
These meetings will help you determine whether the options you are considering actually align with your values and interests, which should reduce the chances of ending up in a job you don’t actually like.
Trevor-Roberts’ second recommendation is to refresh your skills and learn something new during your career break. Coursera and edX are two examples of online platforms that offer free courses, often via prestigious universities or well-known employers.
“An additional little tip: some people are very goal-orientated so find not working quite difficult,” Trevor-Roberts says. “So, if you’re a goal-orientated person, one thing you could do is set yourself a goal to write a short article on the topic that you’re researching, and then maybe go and share it on social media, on LinkedIn.”
Finally, Trevor-Roberts recommends taking time to recharge your batteries. This is not just an important thing in its own right; it will also help boost your confidence and prepare you for your next career move.
“It’s absolutely critical for people to go and do the things that they love doing away from work,” he says. “Searching for another role is not a full-time job, so there’s plenty of time to go and do the stuff that you really enjoy doing and not feel guilty about doing it.
“Ride the bike, grow the veggie patch, read some poetry – whatever it is, just do the thing that brings you joy.”
Got a work-related problem you need help with? Please email euan.black@afr.com under the subject name “Ask an expert”. Work & Careers will get an expert to answer your question and keep your name and details anonymous.
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