Pottinger’s Cassandra Kelly says we mustn’t be scared of rising rates
The corporate adviser discusses the modern dilemmas of autonomous weapons, investing for the public good and getting women in the workforce.
I am in the throes of dealing with a maitre de who is refusing to allow our photographer into the Michelin-starred venue (despite it having been agreed when the booking was made), when my dining companion, Cassandra Kelly, chairman of the Treasury Corporation of Victoria and senior adviser at Pottinger, appears.
The tall, smartly dressed blonde lends her authority to the discussion, and we end up doing a deal to be seated and photographed.
“I have never thought of myself as a princess. But it’s never too late to start,” jokes Cassandra Kelly. Sophie Fjellø-Jensen
It has taken almost a year and several diary cancellations for us to finally lock in a lunch at the Scandinavian restaurant Aquavit, a block from Trump Tower in Manhattan and a 20-minute ride from the Pottinger office in the World Trade Centre.
Kelly, 48, has lived in cities around the world, including Tokyo and London, working for the likes of McKinsey, Deutsche Bank and HSBC. She now calls the rough and tumble of New York her home, having lived here for the past seven years. During that time, she set up the American base for corporate advisory business Pottinger, which she and her now former husband, Nigel Lake, founded in 2003.
With the COVID-19 pandemic over, she has been travelling again: to Australia for her role with TCV, which provides finance for the state government. In an environment of rapidly rising interest rates, the job has become more testing. Europe is also a destination since another of her many jobs is as a founding member of the EU’s Global Tech Panel. This position has particular relevance as autonomous weapons and cyber hazards are increasingly used.
However, it’s not just business that keeps Kelly on the road: she has become an ultramarathoner and travels to events across the US.
But right now, all she wants is to sit down for a Friday lunch. More than 20 minutes have passed by the time we are seated and place our order: two Norwegian king crab salads for our entrees, an Arctic char with sandefjord sauce for her main, and Swedish meatballs for me. Our white wine selection requires a sommelier.
“Definitely not an Australian or New Zealand sauvignon blanc,” Kelly says. “For me, they’re boring, and you need to be drinking them in your Lululemon, preferably after your weekly exercise.”
A Do Ferreiro Cepas Vellas 2020 Rias Biaxas arrives promptly.
The waiter also checks what we’d like for dessert and I spot a traditional Scandinavian treat, marzipan princess cake, on the menu.
“Princess cake afterwards, Cassandra?” I ask.
“I have never thought of myself as a princess. But it’s never too late to start,” she says.
‘He had a tough decision to make’
A princess she is not. Kelly grew up in the Sydney beachside suburb of Collaroy when it was middle-class with her mum, a school teacher, and her alcoholic father: a policeman turned lawyer.
My princess cake question may have triggered something.
“My dad never called me a princess when I was growing up,” she says after our third sip of the quaffable white. “Dad was an alcoholic, and a son of an alcoholic, with his own demons. Alcohol was his medicine to dull the pain of years of his own trauma and stress.
“My sober father was amazing and many of the best parts of him I hope live on in me. I miss him terribly. He was incredibly courageous and daring, he was generous and kind. He hated unfairness.”
One of the bravest things he did, she says, was to work for the Wood Royal Commission, which ran from 1995-97. The inquiry was held to determine the existence and extent of corruption within the New South Wales Police.
“He had a tough decision to make: risk the safety of his family? Be part of bringing down the same people who he had grown up with in the force because they deserved to be exposed for their foul play, corruption and wrongdoings? He chose to do what he felt was right. I am incredibly proud of him for that. The police force today is better for it.”
Kelly attributes her education – Queenwood School for Girls in Mosman and the University of Sydney – for giving her confidence and a network. Those are things she wants to bestow on other women, which is why she founded women’s networking program the Glass Elevator a decade ago. The name was chosen because “with a glass ceiling you bump your head, whereas in a glass elevator you get to see what is happening to you on the way up; transparency, accountability, the full picture.”
Her advice for females, from the schoolroom to the boardroom, is: “Prepare yourself to be part of solving the world’s problems. Be ready to push and be ready to ask for what you deserve. Don’t assume it will just happen, that they’ll come to you. You have to be an advocate for yourself.”
Kelly knows about pushing hard in all areas of her life. When she was at a loose end during the pandemic, at a time when she “literally could not jog to the corner”, she had a personal trainer prepare her for her first ultramarathon in Moab, Utah, in 2020.
“He built me up over April to November. I finished. [The time] was super-duper slow, I think they call it DFL: dead f---ing last.”
She has also done the challenging 37-kilometre Presidential Traverse in New Hampshire and the 160-kilometre Leadville Trail Race in Colorado, where she set the pace for some of the runners. “How hilarious is that? Like this is a kid who couldn’t run to the corner.”
Our mains arrive and we share them.
Kelly in 2010. During Pottinger’s early years, she was chief executive. She then stepped into the chairman role and is now a senior adviser. Louie Douvis
“They have managed to get away with the fact that the char is warm, but the sauce is quite cool. I would normally think you wouldn’t want a cool sauce with something warm because it would cool down the fish. But it fits really well. It’s really exciting,” she says.
Kelly finishes her fish quickly. “I have actually been thinking about seafood and seaweed. I am on the board of Futurefeed: its a company that is using seaweed to reduce methane emissions. We’re getting consistently above 80 per cent reduction in emissions by putting a sprinkle of Asparagopsis in the feed for livestock.”
It’s no surprise Kelly has an interest in environmental matters. Pottinger, which made its name advising on Suncorp’s $8.9 billion acquisition of Promina in 2007, has worked recently on the financing for 5 gigawatts’ worth of renewable energy projects and merger and acquisition deals for the likes of Origin, AMPYR Energy, Enova Community Energy, Green Peak Energy, Photon Energy, United Green and Venn Artibir.
During Pottinger’s early years, Kelly was chief executive. She then stepped into the chairman role and is now a senior adviser.
When they first came to New York, Kelly decided to have her three children homeschooled. She says her children are the “greatest gift” she and her former husband gave to each other. Eventually, she was able to get them into the elite Stuyvesant School in lower Manhattan.
“It’s not easy to get into school – so I designed a curriculum. I allowed them to go and do courses at NYU at the age of 12, and seven, on architecture. I had this professor who sat in the Bronx amongst her dusty library, and the kids would sit in there and she would do what we would call integrated studies.
“She understood that William [her youngest] liked to see the whole picture and so she would have him make maps and learn about geography, but at the same time, learn about family, religion and cuisine in those countries, learn about the languages, and so she integrated the unit.”
Kelly also had a nanny. “She basically executed on my dream, and made sure the kids did the homework, that they behaved well. She was integral, we couldn’t have done it without her.”
Today, Alexander, 20, is a bassoonist, Katherine, 17, is studying finance at McGill University in Canada and William, 14, is obsessed with soccer.
Kelly says former prime minister Julia Gillard as an “extraordinary” person. Sophie Fjellø-Jensen
Our wine has been rapidly depleted and the noisy Americans on the table next to us have moved their lunch on to heavier liquor. Contrary to the ancient expression “in vino veritas”, I get the sense that Kelly has moved towards a tighter control of her comments.
Take the Biden administration’s student debt relief plan, which has been dismissed by dozens of prominent economists including former US treasury secretary Larry Summers and a senior adviser in the Obama administration who note that part of it would be paid for by the 87 per cent of Americans who do not benefit.
Kelly’s response to my question of whether it is good policy goes for 2.49 minutes but is couched in diplomatic language: “I don’t have access to all the information to give a true response,” she says. ”I don’t believe that there will be certain measures that we can take in the short term, all of which will seem or feel fair, or necessarily be fair in the strict concept of being equally applied or of equal benefit … I think we’re each going to have to figure out what we can contribute, and-or give up or sacrifice. And some of that’ll get decided for us, right.“
Kelly, who is happy to describe former prime minister and engineer of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Julia Gillard as an “extraordinary” person, is cautious about saying anything overtly political, especially while talking about rising interest rates around the world and what that means for her job at TCV.
“The role of TCV is to facilitate the financial and funding requirements of the government and other public entities for the benefit of the community. The funding environment is tougher. That’s not an Australia thing nor a Victoria thing, it is just a more complex funding environment globally. The global dynamic has changed. Whilst we need to remain aware of global funding challenges and exercise even greater caution, we need to do so without being stifled, or paralysed by fear or indecision.”
Our desserts arrive and she confesses that when eating her chocolate semifreddo she might recreate the iconic movie scene when Julia Roberts’ character, Vivian Ward, attempts to eat escargots and ends up flicking one across the room.
“Am I going to have a Pretty Woman moment here? That’s what I fear.”
Her long answers and my long questions have pushed our lunch to more than two hours now, and we realise that the minimalist Scandinavian restaurant has emptied, and we have the place to ourselves.
So, she mentions another fear I am very interested in. This one stemming from her work on the EU’s global tech panel.
“One of the big things I was working on was lethal autonomous weapons. Fully autonomous weapons (unlike a semi-autonomous drone that is controlled) are sent out with its programming, learns as it goes and makes its own decisions. There is no human-operated kill switch. There is no human going, ‘No no no, not that time’.
“The benefits, of course, could be that it may de-escalate tension (if you believe a robot feels no fear) and may remove human error. But that assumes we believe a robot’s judgment is superior. That keeps me awake.
“At the Global Tech Panel we sat there with all the NATO defence ministers and explained to them that this is not futuristic, this is happening now, being developed now, and we need them to go back to their respective countries and think through the ethics, the legalities and the realities of the manufacture and deployment of such weapons.”
I am left intrigued by all this, but the wait staff are now packing up the restaurant. It’s the longest lunch interview I have done in one sitting, and it doesn’t end there. As we stroll down Park Avenue we turn our attention to the economics of a $US500 ($740) Billy Joel ticket at Madison Square Garden.
The bill
Aquavit, 65 E 55th St, New York
2 three-course menu, $US170
Norwegian king crab salad, kohlrabi, meyer lemon, fennel
Arctic char, cauliflower, pickled pear, sandefjord sauce
Swedish meatballs, potato, lingonberries, pickled cucumber
Chocolate semifreddo, coconut, citrus
Pumpkin creme brulee, rye, caramel, oat
Do Ferreiro Cepas Vellas 2020 Rias Biaxas $US160
Total: $US330 ($493)
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