Universities marching towards gender parity by degrees
Many structural barriers are coming down but there is still a long way to go before women achieve a fairer outcome in academia.
To coincide with International Women’s Day, March 8, the Australian Financial Review celebrates the achievements of Australian women in key sectors of the economy, nominating five women as the Women to Watch from each of five sectors – fashion and retail; education; sustainability and energy; technology; and banking.
The Women to Watch in education are:
As a sector, we still struggle to get women into senior roles, says Professor Emma Johnston, deputy vice-chancellor, research, University of Sydney. Natalie Boog
Professor Emma Johnston
Deputy vice-chancellor, research, University of Sydney
“Throughout my career, I have been aware of my gender,” says Emma Johnston, one of Australia’s leading marine ecologists and research administrators.
As deputy vice-chancellor at the University of Sydney she has a budget of $1 billion and a staff of 400 to wrangle.
“But being a woman in the science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine space, it’s probably more obvious because the numbers are so low.”
From her first day in an undergraduate science degree at the University of Melbourne when she glanced around the lecture hall and saw only a handful of female faces to today, Johnston says she was almost always in the minority.
While Johnston’s rise to the top has been fast-tracked by her ability, ambition and innate ability to communicate, over the past two decades she has only once directly reported to a woman.
Which is ironic, she laughs, given her role as an advocate for improving the representation of women in STEM – and pushing for fairer and better career outcomes.
“I’ve been really proud of taking an active role in recruiting more women by sitting on as many panels as I could,” she says.
When there weren’t enough women in senior roles to be role models to younger scientists, she created a distinguished visitors program.
“It’s been a passion to get more women into higher education. As a sector, we still struggle to get women into senior roles and are very low in the number of female professor across the board.”
Johnston is pleased that in her current role, which she took up in mid-2022 after spending her entire career at the University of NSW, that for the first time, the senior executive at Sydney University has gender parity.
Johnston is more optimistic now that women will eventually be fully represented in STEM in higher education, with research grants bodies and various schemes actively working not to diminish the careers of women as they enter child-rearing years.
“A lot of the structural barriers are coming down. Gender diversity is becoming normalised,” she says.
Professor Claire Macken
Pro Vice-Chancellor and General Director, RMIT Vietnam
When Claire Macken took on a six-month gig to look after RMIT’s Vietnam campus while a new leader was being found, little did she know how much she would fall in love with the crazy, modern, global, and vibrant metropolis that is Ho Chi Minh City.
She also found her new job required the perfect synthesis of her multifarious career to date, having moved in and out of academia while she sought experience in the business world, including four years at Apple and two at KPMG.
‘When I look back at my career, I’ve never had anyone try to pull me down’, says Professor Claire Macken, Pro Vice-Chancellor and General Director, RMIT Vietnam.
A lawyer by training, Macken’s zigzag career has been pushed along by a restless mind, years of sleep deprivation and an earnest desire to constantly push herself out of her comfort zone.
In Vietnam, she has found something of an educational nirvana: a campus of 10,500 students who love coming to campus five days a week, who are deeply immersed in their studies and immensely proud to belong to the RMIT community.
“They take education as a privilege,” says Macken.
With seven degrees and graduate certificates, including a PhD and an MBA, Macken says throughout her career she has been supported by “amazing women since I was in my early 20s”.
“Also men. When I look back at my career, I’ve never had anyone try to pull me down.”
Vietnam, she says, is notable for strong powerful women in business, in the public service, in education.
“Wherever I go, there are powerful Vietnamese women.”
Having explored the world outside universities, when Macken returned to academia in 2020 as head of future learning for RMIT Online, it was a bit of a “coming home” experience.
“Outside education, I am constantly trying to work out the contribution I am making to society. I am constantly asking whether I am just helping other people make money. But the purpose of education is absolutely clear – you are there to help learners learn and produce research that will make a difference to society,” Macken says.
Not that she regrets her foray into the business world for one second.
“When you are in academia you understand that world. But when you leave and come back you are a bit of an oddity, with new perspectives on the function of education and the type of environment you like to operate in,” she says.
Professor Kate Fitz-Gibbon
‘I have been lucky to cross paths and be uplifted by incredible women,’ says Professor Kate Fitz-Gibbon, of Monash University.
Director of the Monash Gender and Family Violence Prevention Centre, Monash University
It might have been naivety, it might have been accidental, but when Kate Fitz-Gibbon started an honours degree looking at the ways in which the criminal justice system dealt with the sentencing of men who had killed their female intimate partners, she was “hooked”.
“I don’t know whether I was naive, but I was horrified the ways in which courts blamed victims of domestic violence and homicide and excused men,” says Fitz-Gibbon, who says she kind of “fell into” the project after discovering criminology during her undergraduate law years at Monash University.
“I was hooked after that. Once you have an opportunity to pursue a career in changing something so wrong, it feels like an incredible privilege.”
Fitz-Gibbon used her honours’ thesis as a catapult into a PhD where she examined the sentencing of James Ramage, who strangled his estranged wife, Julie, but, using a defence of provocation, was charged only with manslaughter. It was the last case in Victoria to use that defence.
It took Fitz-Gibbon just 10 years to go from PhD to full professor, having worked most of her career at Monash University, with a stint at Deakin.
The pandemic, she says, fully brought domestic violence into the spotlight but national attention didn’t in any way diminish the extent of the crisis in Australia.
“Two-thousand-and-twenty-two was one of the worst years we have had in a long time. Approximately one woman was killed every six days,” Fitz-Gibbon says.
Research, she says, is absolutely critical.
“Everything we do has to be grounded in the very best academic research. I’ve prided myself in ensuring, throughout my career, that my research is translatable and can be understood by those who have experienced family violence.
“I want it to privilege their experiences and to ensure it makes its way into the hands of those who can make the changes that are desperately needed at policy and practical levels.”
Change is happening. In the first sitting week of 2023, the federal government passed legislation to allow for 10 days’ domestic violence leave.
“We also have a new national plan for women and children which has the ambitious goal of ending gender-based domestic violence in one generation. That will be hard to achieve, but it’s incredible that we have a federal government saying it’s a priority.”
Along her short but impactful career in academia, Fitz-Gibbon says she has been able to benefit from “extremely powerful and collaborative female leadership”.
“That’s not the experience for all women in academia, but I have been lucky to cross paths and be uplifted by incredible women.”
Dr Rong Deng
Postdoctoral research fellow at the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, University of New South Wales
If Australia is the world leader in its uptake of solar rooftop panels, then it will also need to be the leader in recycling end-of-life systems. If not, that could mean 10,000 tonnes of rooftop photovoltaic solar panels a year by 2025.
That figure could rise to 145,000 tonnes by 2030 when utility-scale solar farms start to replace their stock of panels.
‘I want to encourage women and see them get good results,’ says Dr Rong Deng, of UNSW.
This is where Rong Deng comes into the picture. The engineer from the University of NSW is a global leader in developing technological solutions to improve the recovery and recycling rate of obsolete photovoltaic cells.
But the bigger part of her research is developing a comprehensive assessment framework that will appraise the size of the problem, when it will start to engulf disposal and recycling systems and where geographically it will most likely happen.
Deng says that unlike the European Union, Australia has no mandated solar panel recycling capacity or schemes which force producers to deal with end-of-life panels.
On the recycling front, Deng says it is technically possible to recover and recycle between 90-95 per cent of old solar panels. They are made mainly with silicon, which is relatively simple to recycle, with industrial-scale plants likely to up and running in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane by the middle of the decade.
“The advantage for Australia is that most panels are concentrated in city populations so that means the infrastructure is there for not just recycling silicon, but glass, and aluminium which are used in the construction of panels,” Deng says.
Born in Xian in China, Deng came to Australia to study for her engineering degree and then stayed on for a PhD with the title End-of-life Recycling of Silicon Photovoltaic Modules: Towards A Circular Economy, which she completed in 2021.
As an undergraduate, she was just one of a handful of women but says the number of women academics in engineering at UNSW is growing, particularly in the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering.
Deng’s PhD supervisor was a woman, and she now has the opportunity to return the favour supervising honours students.
“I prefer to take female students. I want to do my best to keep them in engineering, I want to encourage them and see them get good results,” Deng says.
‘I value communication of my discipline to a wider public,’ says demographer Liz Allen, of ANU.
Dr Liz Allen
Demographer, Australian National University
Liz Allen was not destined to become an academic. Far from it. Born into a poor family in Sydney’s western suburbs, she left school in year 7 and was homeless by her late teens.
She was a mother by the age of 17, yet finished her schooling at TAFE and somehow managed to enrol into applied chemistry at Macquarie University which, she soon discovered, “wasn’t for me”.
She stayed on, however, serendipitously choosing demography over jurisprudence and along the way found her life’s calling.
Now a lecturer with the ANU Centre for Social Research and Methods, Allen is a loud and vocal communicator, a public intellectual who, largely because of her torrid history, sees the world differently from her academic peers.
“For a woman like me – a person like me – in academia, is that I straddle two worlds. Either I’m trying to fit into a world I know nothing about because I was not brought up in privileged circumstances, but then I don’t fit in where I come from either,” Allen says.
Half tongue in cheek, Allen describes herself as “a bad academic because I’m not a traditional academic”.
“I don’t punch out lot of high-quality papers in high-quality journals. I am the total opposite of that. I value different things. I value public outreach. I value communication of my discipline to a wider public,” she says.
The fact that a demographer has 16,000 Twitter followers would suggest she’s pretty good at that part of the brief.
Now the mother of seven children, including five who still live at home, Allen says academia, although not perfect, is at least a place where she can have a voice without being shut down or told to shut up.
“I’ve done various gigs in the public service and I think I am quite confronting to rigid systems. Academia is more open to having criticism than other institutions,” Allen says.
“I’m a noisemaker, I know that. And it doesn’t matter how many times I’ve tried not to be a troublemaker, I can’t help it. My boss just looked me in the eye and said, “You have to be you. No one else would be you”.”
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